Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Prelude to Regularity...

I know, I know...I haven't been the most dedicated of bloggers. What can I say? Life intruded and I was not really in a position to spend time maintaining a blog, even a low maintenance one like this one. I will try to do better...I plan on being here for some time...but I can't guarantee anything now can I?

As far as this post is concerned...hopefully this will result in, if not a daily, atleast a weekly post-structure. I will try to make large all-encompassing posts once a week in an attempt to "stay on the radar" such as it were, but considering my school schedule and the sheer amount of time it takes for me get anything done these days, it's anyone's guess how regular this blog will be...atleast till november. I should be able to post much more frequently after that :fingers crossed:

Today, rather than blather on as usual, I figured I'd do a Link Dump. It's a common enough exercise with other bloggers, most notably on Augie's wonderful Various and Sundry which has enabled me discover many blogs, sites, and web-related activities that I would never ever discover on my own. So, in keeping with that, here's a couple of websites that I'm visiting on a semi-regular basis these days:

-Life of Reily A wonderful column dealing with the most controversial, and in many cases, reviled storyline dealing with Spider-Man. This convinced me to go out and find a copy of The Osborn Journal, not to mention this is the first time I have ever felt sorry for the Ben Reily character even after the long time which has passed since the Clone Saga ended. A must read, and the inner workings of the Marvel Entertainment Offices revealed in this are real eye-openers and definitely worth a look through.

-True Porn Clerk Stories An absolutely hilarious, and at times, incredibly insightful look into the life of a porn clerk. I find it fascinating that a person's porn needs can determine their life, and the tales presented by Ms. Davis are truly funny as hell. Definitely check this one out.

-Quotes Database Also known as bash.org. If you have even a passing interest in mirc, then you probably already know this site. Filled with absolutely hilarious, witty, and sometimes fascinating true conversations between people on irc. I especially love the Wizard cyber-sex ;)

- Neptune Video I'm a huge fan of Veronica Mars. I love the mysteries, and I must admit, I have a soft spot for most teen tv shows since they tend to feature the best (sometimes the worst) up and comers in the tv and movie field, and it's always nice to get a glimpse into the future. This site features fanvids, or fan-made music videos, featuring characters from veronica mars. It's a very nice site, great content, and is regularly updated. A must see for any VM fan.

- Cute and Funny Animals Finally, the last site of the day, this one is dedicated to animals and their funny antics. A fun site, filled with movie clips, sound bites, pictures, etc... featuring some of the most adorable cats, dogs, and what have you out there. A great site for animal lovers.

That's it for today...I hope this somewhat lengthy post makes up in some small way for the lack of anything in the past few weeks...hopefully this is the first of many. Check back every few days, and hopefully I'll have something to maintain your interest...if not, well, it was nice seeing you :)

P.S. Btw, the image uptop has nothing to do with anything...I just think it's really cool, and will hopefully the topic of an upcoming post.


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